How our home environment has a direct CONNECTION with our well-being


The definition of well being is comfortable, healthy and happy. I think we can agree that these 3 feelings are emotions we like to feel on a daily basis. WE all want to feel happy, healthy and comfortable right?

Is it possible that our surroundings can have a direct connection with our well-being?

Let me give you an example that I’m pretty sure you can relate to. You know that time when you went out to eat at that really quaint restaurant with your husband where the atmosphere was really cozy, the lighting was just right and the seating was comfortable and intimate. It wasn’t too loud. You were in no rush to leave and before you knew it, you had just spent 2 hours enjoying the food and a long conversation with your better half. On the other hand have you ever ate in the Mcdonalds dining area? My guess is your were not spending hours in the Mcdonald’s dining room. It’s more like a- “let’s get our food and leave” experience. Why is that? Certain environments encourages us to relax, and set a mood that is calm and invites connection. Mcdonalds does do not. No digs on the golden arches but I don’t really think that is part of their intentions. They are in the business to sell fast kid friendly food!

Psychologist Shilagh Mirgain states “ Your home and work environment are an important influence on your sense of well being, but they are often overlooked. These are the environments we spend the most time in, so it’s only natural they would have impact on us”.

How do you want your home feel? Did you know you get to decide this? Yes it’s true my friend. I assume you probably want to have your home feel like it’s old friend that is always there for you, not matter the time of day and always knows just what to say to lighten your mood.

So why do we sometimes put our homes on the back burner when in reality they help cultivate peace and calm in our daily busy lives? I think it’s because a lot of us believe it’s too daunting of a task or overwhelming to create. But I say NONSENSE to all of that. You CAN no matter what type of home you live in- create a home that cultivates well-being!

Here are a few of my favorite suggestions that I use in my own home that bring me joy and add to my well-being.

  1. Clear the Clutter. Just pick one thing like a drawer or even one room. Schedule it on your calendar and then commit to doing it. Just know that when it comes time to do this thing- You’re not going to want to do it. But decide ahead of time to not let yourself down and just do it! Clearing the clutter allows for more joy and less ovewerhem in your life. Clutter makes you feel heavy, adds stress to you life and even your relationships. Clearing the clutter allows space for your thoughts and room to accomplish your goals. Your not wasting your time anymore on thinking about what to do with all your stuff. Instead your are putting your energy towards things that you will enhance your life! There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of cleaning out a drawer or room. Afterwards, you just want to camp out in that space all day long. Have you ever noticed that right after you clean a room- your children decided that is where they want to play or start a project? Even kids naturally gravitate towards clutter free clean rooms!

  2. Add pillows to sofa. Yes this simple trick will make your sofa look like it’s giving out invitations to come sit on it. No matter how dull or unattractive your sofa is, fresh pillows can help a room feel airy and bright. Don’t underestimate the power of the pillow.

  3. Lighting. One of my favorite things to do in the evening is to turn off all the main ceiling lighting and switch on my lamps in my family room. I love the feeling of dimmed lights in the evening. It’s cozy and intimate. It’s my way of putting my house to sleep at night. So if you don’t already have one, go get yourself a beautiful lamp that will help wind down your home at the end of the day and fall asleep at night.

And like I always say, just pick one thing :)


One last thought,

My home can be a very busy, chaotic place. And sometimes I feel like I might actually be in a real live circus. That’s why it’s important for my home to take care of me at the end of a long day of running kids to practices while trying figure how to be in 3 places at once. It’s not perfect, but having a home that nurtures our lifestyle has helped provide a sense of calm even amidst the chaos!

So find your own unique way to cultivate well-being in your home. And have fun with it!

“He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

See you next week!



P.S If you would like some more help or have a question you would like help with, schedule your free mini session with me! Here is the link to my schedule.

Free Mini Session with Hayley

Talk to you soon!