When I ask my clients what made them get an interior designer A Lot of them say this, “the thought of trying to pick out things was so overwhelming. And I just have a really hard time making decisions and committing”. Sound familiar? The thing is- We all do it. YES even interior designers. You see when it comes to your own house sometimes we are so close emotional to the problem it is hard for us to see the bigger picture.
Over the years I have developed a process that provides CLARITY and ELIMINATES the confusion when it comes to finding products for your home. It’s a really simple method but extremely effective when it comes to finding things for you home. Let’s face it, with SO many options now it can be paralyzing trying to make a decision! Most importantly this will save you time and energy. I know for most of you TIME is your greatest asset.
Ok. Let’s get a this party started!
I am going to us a family room rug as an example. But you can do this with anything in your home.
STEP 1. Set a timer: This step is critical. And will keep you from disappearing down a rabbit hole. Get your phone out and set the timer for 20 min. If you want to set it for longer that’s fine. But the most important thing is to decide beforehand how much time you are going to spend looking at rugs.
Step 2. Create an Inspiration Board. Go into Pinterest and make a separate board and title it FAMILY ROOM RUGS. Now it’s time to start pining away! You are are going to start pinning rugs that you love. Rugs that you are really drawn too. We are NOT looking at size, price, material or even if it will go in your family room. We are not worried about any of that business right now. Now once the 20 min is up on your timer. STOP. ( Sorry I’m feeling really bossy right now, BUT I know how easy it is get lost on Pinterest.) Next, it’s time to go back to your Rug board and look at all the rugs you have pinned. You will notice that the rugs you have pinned will have a common thread. (no pun) Maybe you have pinned really neutral rugs. Or maybe a lot of the rugs you have pinned are very opinionated. Once you establish the common theme- this is going to be the style that you are going to look for. For example I know for me when I look at rugs for my own house, I tend to gravitate towards rugs that are more bold and have a worn vintage look. So I am going to be looking for rugs in that style.
Step 3. The details. Do not over complicate this step. You just need to decide on these three things:
SCALE: What size of rug? Tape it out in your living room if you need to. Usually you want to error on the bigger size than smaller. ( This is true with most things in your home.)
Price: How much do you want to spend. Your not allowed to say I don’t know. :) Pick a number range. If you decide to splurge later you can. Bur right now we need to establish a solid price range.
Material/ construction This is important for furnishings such a rugs and furniture. Example: If you rug is going in a high traffic area you don’t want to pick a silk. Or if you want your rug to last 10-15 years you are going to go for the hand tufted rugs. Don’t be afraid to educate yourself on this. The internet or even your local furniture store can help you will these questions.
STEP 4. Sourcing Most people want to start with this step first. Starting with this step causes so much confusion and overwhelm. But now that we have established your rug criteria: style, price, and size this next step is so much EASIER! First we are going to start with that timer again. On this step I give myself 30-40 min. You may want to give yourself a little longer. You can do this a couple different ways. First you can check your pinterest board and see if any of those rugs fit the criteria. If not, then start looking at brands that would best fit your criteria. For example if I am on a tight budget- I am going to first check out Target, homegoods, USA Rugs or Amazon. But if I know I want something luxurious on my feet and want to something that is going to last longer than 5 years I am going to look at brands like One Kings lane or Restoration Hardware. Now once that timer goes off. STOP. No really stop. you are going to want to keep looking. But stay with me. The goal is to have 2-3 rugs that fit within your criteria.
Step 5. Now it’s time to see if the rug checks all the boxes.
Ask yourself these questions:
Is it the right size?
Is it the right price?
Is the material and construction functional?
Do you Love it? Everytime you walk into the room will it make you happy?
Will it get along with the rest of the room? ( Don’t get to hung up on this questions. If the rug is a little too opinionated for the sofa- Try switching out some pillows. Especially if you don’t love your sofa and you are planning on replacing it soon).
If this rug can check all those boxes than you did it! You have a winner! If your rug doesn’t then take a look at the other rugs you have your sourced. If you need to go back and do a little more sourcing that is fine. But the trick is to not change your rug criteria. Because once you start doing that, down the rabbit hole you will go! Which is totally fine if you like doing that. But I know for me I don’t want to spend my time doing that.
Here are a few guidelines to keep you stay on track
Don’t ASK. What I mean by this is stop asking for other people’s opinion. YOU and only you and maybe your spouse if he cares has to like it. If you have a trusted friend whose opinion you value- ask them. But that’s it. Too many opinions only causes confusion! Because everyone will have a different option. This is stuff is objective people.
2. Stop indulging indecision. I have found that people get paralyzed when it comes to making a decision about their home because they are so worried about making a mistake or a wrong decision. BUT you have to remember. You might pick a rug you hate in six months. You might buy a sofa that turns out to not wear well. But this is what I say to that. You still took action and you have learned from these mistakes. Instead of staying stuck, wasting your precious time and two years later still don’t have rug or your still living with 80 dollar costco shag rug. You now have more information to make a your home a place you love. Because of the action you took you have more confidence and experience with materials that allow you to make a better informed decision. So maybe it wasn’t a bad decision at all. It was exactly what you needed for you home at that time!
Good luck! I know you can do it! I
If you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments!