5 things you can do to start Loving your Home right now.

Ok. So your in a home that your not in love with. Maybe your kitchen cabinets are having a dull moment right now or you still have some stellar green carpet left over from the 90’s circa. Or maybe you are in rut and you don’t have time for any major decorating or remodeling but you just need to give your home some love. I got you girl. Here are my favorite ways to love on my home. If you want just pick one, you don’t need to do all of them. Just doing one thing can make a BIG difference. But if you are feeling a little EXTRA, by all means do all 5! Ok let’s do this.

  1. LOVE your sofa again. It’s time to switch out your pillows so your sofa looks refreshed again! Etsy, Homegoods, Target, Tj MAX can hook you up if you are looking for a quick switch out. And if your pillows are always ending up on the floor- just start with two. If you have a sofa that has a little too much love, adding pillows to your seating really helps the vibe of the living space. Another tip when buying pillows. Some pillows don’t come with a down or down alternative form. Switching out the pillow form to one of these forms instantly upgrades your pillow and gives an higher-end look without spending a fortune on your pillows.


2. Buy a plant you LOVE. Seriously. A small little plant can make a room happy! You want to know a secret. I usually kill my plants. But I buy inexpensive small table plants. I admire them for about 2-3 months. kill them. Then repeat! Your home feels fresh when you bringing in some organic elements such a plants.

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3. Organize one drawer. I know you hate me now. But just organizing one drawer has the ability to make you feel so accomplished Have you ever organized your closet or pantry and then you just keeping walking back in it. You just want to soak up all the order and accomplishment. Just start with ONE drawer. I promise you will LOVE opening that drawer.

4. Frame a picture that you LOVE. That is the rule. YOU have to love it. It could be a family memory at the lake or a beautiful landscape. Start with a 5x7 and put something in that sweet frame that sparks inspiration and happiness. Our favorite places to buy printable prints is Juniper print shop, Minted, Etsy and BBF printshop.


5. Write a list of everything you LOVE about your home right now. This is a powerful exercise that helps redirects the brain into a gratitude mindset. I have been trying this one, instead of listing everything that I want to change in my home. One of the things I realized is that lots of learning, mistakes, tears, joys all happen in this place I call my home. I love that about my home! We as women all have the capability to create homes that do this. Isn’t that amazing? And the best part is- this process was never intended to be perfect. I think we forget how powerful our homes truly are. So my hope is that each of you will know that you don’t need a Instagram perfect home to feel proud of your home. Your home and you are already enough!

If you want to take things a little deeper- check out my Free Family Room Recipe Guide. This will help you create a beautiful family room with all my secret ingredients I use! Check it out here.

Lots of LOVE,


Berniel's cozy home round up!

Whenever I would come back from college and go home, I remember walking into the front door and it felt soo good. I was home. I was on no longer fending for myself! But I was so happy I was home. It was a feeling only your home could grant you. I know you all know what I’m talking about. It’s the comfort of the little familiar things that didn’t seem important until you lived with out them.

I rounded up a list of my mom’s favorites things that kept her home feeling fresh and welcoming. My mom (Berniel) was so good at making you feel like you were a part of her home. Mostly it was just her love that you felt when you were in her home. Now that my mom is gone, walking into her home is still one of the hardest things I do. We all miss her like crazy especially this time of year. But I am forever grateful for her teaching me how to turn my house into home where everyone feels welcomed and loved.

OK! Here is a round up of Berniel’s Top Cozy essentials for your kitchen !

1. Candles

A REALLY good smelling candle. I think one of the best feelings is cleaning up your kitchen and then lighting up a candle. It makes everything feel like- All IS WELL. I will survive. LOL

2. Pretty Dishtowels

Ladies- you have to keep a fresh rotation on your dish towels. All the ones that look tired and stained- retire them! A bright clean dishtowel hanging on your sink or over your oven will bring a simple pleasure to your soul every time you pause to look at it. I promise!

3. Rugs!

Because we lived on a farm we had a lot DIRT that would make its way in our home. Usually that meant sweeping the floor multiple times a day. Therefore my mom had a lot of rugs to help with the lovely dust. She changed them out about every 6 months. I loved it when my mom got new rugs for her kitchen. It always made the kitchen feel warm grounded.

4. Table runner

My mom had a long island that would always be dressed with a runner. Every season should she would change them up. I love this little touch she would do. It just made the kitchen feel pretty.

5. Pretty Dish Soap

Really? Yes. When you have a dish soap that smells as pretty at it looks- It’s a GAME CHANGER. Doing dishes becomes an entirely new experience.

6. Plants

Go get your self a little plant or in my case something fake and put it by your sink. Can you tell that I’m really good at tricking my self into doing the dishes. They have to be done right? So why not smell and look at pretty things while you are doing them!

Have a great weekend! Hope this list helps in making your home feel a little bit more cozy this holiday season! The ones pictured below are some of my favorites this year! Links above.



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